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Endo Assisting Amplified - Independent

11 Modules

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Hi There and Welcome!

Here you will be introduced to your instructor and mentor throughout this course!

There is also an intake form that I will need you to fill out as well!

The Endodontic Evaluation

Welcome to the first module in your journey to becoming a ROCKSTAR assistant in the specialty of Endodontics! 

Our primary objective in this module is to train what is necessary for understanding how to conduct a proper endodontic evaluation and how important it is to diagnose your patient before treatment is started. We will go through the groundwork on what information you should get from the patient before the doctor comes into the room for clinical testing. 

Understanding Pulpal and Periapical Diagnosis

Our primary objective in this module is to learn pulpal and periapical diagnosis. Learning this information will be a game changer during the evaluation so that you have the knowledge and understanding of why the patient needs a root canal in the first place.

Files, Burs and Clamps

Our primary objective in this module is to train you on the different files that are used during the root canal procedure. You will also learn about the different burs that your dentist will use and what their purpose is during the procedure. Also, going over the clamps that are used and which teeth they will work best with.  Knowing this information will get you ready to level up your assisting skills so that you are always one step ahead of your doctor!

How to take AMAZING x-rays

We are halfway there and are ready to move right along into taking amazing x-rays!

Our primary objective in this module is to learn how to take the different x-rays that are needed in Endo! This is probably the most challenging because of all the different angles that you need in this specialty but with this training you will become a MASTER at taking x-rays!

The Importance of Operatory Setup and Checklists

Our primary objective in this module is to teach the importance of operatory setup. This is essential to having an efficient and seamless appointment, for your doctor, your patient and YOU! 

Seating the Patient

Our primary objective in this module is putting the patient first! You will go over how to really set expectations for the procedure and really take care of the patient prior to the doctor coming into the room! This will set them up for success knowing their assistant has their back!

The Sequence of Treatment

GREAT JOB! We are moving right along to Module #7 this week!

Our primary objective in this module is to go over the specific sequence of treatment and learn about the root canal process! This is where you will put all of your assisting skills and knowledge to work!

Are you ready to be one step ahead of your doctor? 

Giving Post-op Instructions and Setting Patients Expectations

YOU MADE IT! We are finally into the last module of this course! 

Our primary objective in this module is to learn how to give the patient proper post op instructions that way they are one step ahead of their post op discomfort and will know how to manage the sensitivity after their root canal therapy! 

Thank you!

As Endo Assisting Amplified comes to an end, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to you for your commitment, and active participation throughout this time of growth.

 I am honored to have been part of your learning journey.

I encourage you to carry forward the lessons you've learned into your future endeavors. 


Here you will find all of your resources including "words to know", downloadables, and transcripts per module. 

Modules for this product 11
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